Logging In
- When logging in to networks.prx.org please use your credentials for PRX.org.
- Use your username when logging in and not your email address.
Adding Items
- Click New Item (upper right hand corner)
- Text documents
- Photos
- Audio
- Best to upload wav files since the system will generate mp2 and mp3 files.
- When filling out your piece information, please include:
- Headline
- Lead
- Full Story
- Can be transcript or web article if one is available.
- Type (must be filled out or piece will not publish).
- Category (must be filled out or piece will not publish).
- Tags (can add as many tags as need be).
- Saving and publishing piece
- Click Post this item on the bottom right of the page.
Downloading items
- Click on the title of the piece you wish to license.
- Click on Download and Use to be taken to the media page.
- Click on the content you wish to use and it will automatically start to download.
IMPORTANT: There is a difference between web and radio copy:
- Web copy- will contain html codes/ will not include your lead.
- Radio copy contains full text.