Why don’t I see any downloads for Spotify in Dovetail Metrics?


If you don’t see Spotify listed in the App & Browser section within Metrics for your show, but you know the show is available on the app - then your show isn’t set-up to be Passthrough Compliant with Spotify.

Passthrough compliance is a technical setting enabled by Spotify that allows for data (think download metrics and your dynamic ad content) to flow freely between Dovetail and Spotify.

When a show is not set-up as passthrough compliant on Spotify you will not see any metrics populate in Dovetail. Unfortunately, this isn’t something you can enable through your Spotify for Podcasters dashboard directly.

Please submit a request via this form, and PRX will work with Spotify to enable passthrough compliance on your behalf. 

Once our request to Spotify has been approved, you will see Spotify Metrics filter into Dovetail.

Please note: Data for your show prior to passthrough compliance set-up will only be available through your Spotify Dashboard.

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