What link do I use to access PRX Metrics?
You can access Metrics through id.prx.org , the navigation menu in the top right hand corner of Dovetail, or directly at https://metrics.prx.org.
How do I log in?
You’ll want to use your Dovetail login credentials. Can’t remember that information? Feel free to reach out to podcast-support@prx.org.
How can I share this information with my sales team or someone else on staff?
Great question! Team members needing access to your metrics information will need to be added to the your show's group account.
Add a member with these instructions!
How do I add team members to a series account?
Your team members will need to head to https://metrics.prx.org and create an account. Once they have done that, please email podcast-support@prx.org with their full name and we’ll add them to the group account.
Can I download the information?
Not yet. We’re working on that feature, but it’s not available at the moment.
I’d like to offer some suggestions/request a new feature. How can I do that?
After logging into PRX Metrics, click on the blue Feedback button on the bottom left corner. Fill out the form and your feedback with be sent to our tech team.
I’m a member of a couple of groups, how can I access their metrics?
You can view all the data for all the groups of which you are a member. You can select which series to view by using the dropdown menu in the upper navigation bar.
When is the information populated/refreshed?
Metrics are available near real time, so you can keep an eye on your episode performance right after release. It is worth noting that the downloading for subscribers is mostly automated and a download doesn’t mean someone listened immediately - it just means the episode is available on their mobile device.
Do I still need a Podtrac account?
Yes. You’ll always want to use a third party service to verify metrics.
How is the way PRX Metrics gathers data different from Podtrac?
Conceptually, PRX Metrics counts downloads the same way Podtrac does: by logging each request and aggregating those numbers.
The difference is where the download is being logged. PRX Metrics relies on counting downloads from PRX servers. Podtrac counts requests that pass through their servers, regardless of where the actual downloaded file is stored. PRX Metrics will count every file we serve. Podtrac will count every file that has been configured to route through the Podtrac service. You should feel free to use both services and compare the results against one another. That’s what we do!
PRX Metrics are also more up-to-date than Podtrac, because we are reporting our counts in real time, without the multi-hour delay you’ll see from Podtrac.
When will new updates be rolled out?
We’re constantly improving all our products, sometimes updating them multiple times a week. When we introduce new features that we think deserve some of your extra attention, we’ll send out an announcement email.
More questions? Feel free to email podcast-support@prx.org