How do I become a featured or signature show on PRX?


PRX only takes on a handful of signature programs at a time, and we assess the opportunities on a case-by-case basis. We do not have an open call for proposals, but we are constantly listening and watching what producers upload to PRX. While we welcome inquiries and even unsolicited pitches, we cannot respond in detail to each one. If you are looking for a guide, the programs that catch our attention are ones that have ALL of these components:

original voice, style and expression
a demonstrated commitment to diversity
addresses a gap/need in the current national program marketplace, with a path to reaching/attracting new audiences
an existing commitment to social media and multiplatform distribution
a strong and experienced business and management capacity
a collaborative and motivated team
a track record of successful fundraising and/or revenue generation
and then there is the undefinable "IT" — the magic that says a show or a program or the talent behind it has the spark.

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