Do you automatically generate a link to the embeddable player for my episode?

Yes! In Settings> Embeddable Player you will see a link to your episode's embeddable player, an embeddable iframe, AND a direct link to your episode mp3.

You can preview the player and grab the code as soon as you fill out the "Metadata" tab in Podcasts. However, the embeddable player will appear blank until the episode is actually published in your feed.



You can also access the Embeddable Player directly from the main Podcast page.


We have a few tips when using the embeddable player or otherwise publishing your podcast to your website or your own player. There are a few things you need to do when using a custom embed player to have your downloads and ad impressions follow the IAB standards for podcast measurement:

  • Do not allow pre-loading in players and on websites (e.g. preload=none for HTML5)
  • We do not implement Auto-play. This will result in a bad user experience for the user with audio they are not expecting to hear.
  • Make clear download or progressive download requests. For a full download, ask for the entire file in one go. For a progressive download, ask for the file in slices (byte range). That way, a full download can be distinguished from a progressive download.
  • Do not modify the enclosure URL when requesting media, don’t add extra parameters.
  • Do not cache podcast episodes on your servers. Always download the latest episode from the enclosure URL for every app user wanting to listen.
  • Use the GUID (as opposed to episode URL,title, publication date, etc.) to identify new episodes in the RSS feed that should be automatically downloaded to a user’s device. (The GUID is designed to be persistent through changes to hosting environment, titles, etc.)
  • Employ an “automatic download unsubscribe” behavior (e.g. stop auto downloads after 5 episodes of non-listens).
  • Do not automatically download all episodes (e.g. back catalog episodes) by default. This creates unnecessary drain on the publishers’ servers and consumes users’ bandwidth.

Compliance with IAB standards means advertisers can count on standardized metrics measurement methods. This includes eliminating pre-loading, which can inflate metrics measurement and affect ad revenue and reporting.

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