Limiting Metadata

Limiting the metadata available in your feed helps reduce the RSS feed size. This is a helpful option if you are using a feed proxy such as Feedburner which limits the size of your feed. Dovetail offers two options for limiting metadata within the Feeds settings for your show.

Feed Episode Limit

Feed Episode Limit.png

One option for limiting the size of your feed is to limit the number of episodes that are publicly available. By inputing a numerical value into this field within Dovetail you are limiting your feed to the newest ## value of episodes.  All the rest of your episodes will be trimmed from the feed, helping to reduce the feed size overall.  This value can be adjusted over time. 

Feed Metadata Limit

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 1.11.17 PM.png

Entering a numerical value into this field will set the number of newest episodes that will include all metadata. All other episodes will have the following metadata trimmed from them - helping to reduce feed size:

  • author
  • itunes:author
  • categories
  • itunes:summary
  • itunes:image
  • itunes:keywords
  • itunes:isClosedCaptioned
  • media:content
  • content:encoded

If you're currently using a Feedburner proxy, and don't want to be - check out these instructions for redirecting your feed away from Feedburner. 

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