How do I approve or reject a subscription to my automated series?

To approve a subscription:

When a station subscribes to your series, they will need to indicate their air day and agree to your carriage terms. Once they do this, you will see a notification in your subscriber report. Depending on your email settings, you should also receive a notification in your inbox. You will need to click "Approve subscription," review the information, and click "Activate subscription." The station will then begin receiving episodes. 

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 10.34.24 PM.png

If the notification says "Pending approval by both parties," or "pending approval by <station name>" then it means the station has not completed their subscription request and you will not be able to activate the subscription until they do so.

To delete a subscription:

If you see a subscription request from a station that you do not want to air your program or a notice of "Pending approval from both parties," you can delete the subscription. 

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 10.35.06 PM.png

To stop a subscription:

Subscription cancellation is restricted to PRX team members. To end your subscription to any shows you're carrying, please email with the names of the shows you wish to unsubscribe from.

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