Can I Download or Push Episode Files Manually?

Of course, you can! You can always download files from automated shows in case of an emergency. 

  1. Log into
  2. Click on "MY PRX" on the upper right-hand corner
  3. Under "Choose Account" select your station from the drop-down menu
  4. Click on "My Subscriptions" (under "Purchases")
  5. Click on the start date next to your subscription
  6. At the top of the page under "Recent Episodes", you’ll want to select the episode you’re airing
  7. You’ll see a blue button on the upper right-hand corner that says “Get Audio for…”


Click on the button and choose your delivery method. You can directly download each segment by clicking on the MP2/MP3 link. Or, you can "Create New Delivery."


This will generate a new delivery in the delivery log. You can check the progress of the delivery and see if it has ingested successfully into your automation system.


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