Of course, you can! You can always download files from automated shows in case of an emergency.
- Log into exchange.prx.org
- Click on "MY PRX" on the upper right-hand corner
- Under "Choose Account" select your station from the drop-down menu
- Click on "My Subscriptions" (under "Purchases")
- Click on the start date next to your subscription
- At the top of the page under "Recent Episodes", you’ll want to select the episode you’re airing
- You’ll see a blue button on the upper right-hand corner that says “Get Audio for…”
Click on the button and choose your delivery method. You can directly download each segment by clicking on the MP2/MP3 link. Or, you can "Create New Delivery."
This will generate a new delivery in the delivery log. You can check the progress of the delivery and see if it has ingested successfully into your automation system.