What do I need to do to ensure my station needs to work properly with PRX's FTP system?

PRX has upgraded our FTP infrastructure to a new set of servers with improved performance, security, and stability. These new servers replace the old systems and,]will do so without requiring stations to make large changes to how they access FTP and download audio. 

Passive FTP mode is now required / active mode will no longer work

One significant change is the new FTP systems will no longer support active mode; if your station is using active FTP, you need to change the connection settings to passive mode to keep connecting successfully to the current FTP servers.

(If you are already using passive FTP, no change is required, though you may want to upgrade your connections as detailed below. For an explainer of just what is active vs. passive ftp, go here). 

How do I check my connection, and switch to passive mode?

If you need to change from active FTP to passive FTP, go into your Enconveyor (or AVImport,  RCS’ AFC Launcher for Zetta, or NexGen) and change your rules to use passive FTP.  

For example, for Enconveyor, ensure you're running the latest version (21.0A.154). The circled box should be unchecked:



Then, click Save&Exit, highlight the rule, click Reset, and run the rule. 

For Zetta, you would go to Configuration -> System -> Locations and toggle the checkbox box for your FTP location.


For AudioVault, we have a list of solutions based on the version of Audio Vault you use:

  • VAULT2 customers
    • Version 9.0 to 9.20
      • Use AVFTPServer
  • AudioVAULT FleX customers
    • Version 10.10
      • Use AVFTPServer
    • Version 10.30 and higher
      • AVImport (Preferred)
      • AVFTPServer (works but not preferred)

Please reach out to BE Studio tech support for information on how to configure both applications.

Wide Orbit uses passive mode by default and supports FTPS.  It does not currently support SFTP, SSH or Amazon. We are aware that some stations running version 4 or 5 of Wide Orbit may be experiencing some problems- Wide Orbit has a patch that is available- to get it, please contact them at (415)675-6775 Option 4 (radio automation) This does not affect stations running versions 1,2 or 3.

Second Copy has directions for how to set passive here: http://www.secondcopy.com/ftpsupport.html

If you use some other ingest tool (FileZilla, etc), you’ll want to check your settings and ensure you’re using passive mode. 

Your FTP client (AudioVault, FileZilla, etc) must be able to make outgoing connections to the PRX servers on both port 21 and the range of ports 8192 to 8200. The firewall rules on your network must allow outgoing connections on all 10 of those ports in order for connections and transfers with PRX's FTP servers to work reliably.

If you're unsure if you're in active mode vs. passive, contact us at help@prx.org and we'll be happy to assist you. 


Once you’ve switched to passive mode, you have some options to consider

  1. Do nothing, and we will switch you over to the new system by July 30, 2022
  2. Tell us what the best date to transfer your station to the new system is, and we’ll do our best to get you switched on that date. 
  3. Opt in to switch early by following the directions below…


If you’d like to switch to the new FTP servers now...

You can opt-in to using the new PRX FTP servers at any time by updating your client settings in your ingest software to stationcallletters.station.prxtransfer.org (for example, if your call letters and FTP username is WXYZ, update the host in your client settings from wxyz.prxtransfer.org to wxyz.station.prxtransfer.org).

The new infrastructure uses exactly the same FTP credentials (i.e. username & password) you currently use. There will be no changes made to your current username, password or the directories files will arrive in.

It’s that simple. 

Once the change is complete, you can choose to use either passive ftp, or sftp (secure ftp) if your automation software is compatible. Just check the appropriate box, and if using sftp, specify port 22. 


Wait, what if PRX is pushing files from the Exchange to MY station’s FTP? 

You’re already set. We’ll be writing the files to your system in the same fashion; just potentially faster than before.


Are there other options for connecting to the new servers?

Yes, the new FTP servers also support the SFTP protocol. You can use the same username, and password to connect via SFTP, but will need to either use the new host name to connect (i.e. stationcallletters.station.prxtransfer.org), or wait until we have switched over to the new servers.


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