Adding New Creatives in Dovetail

Before a creative can run on a series it will need to be uploaded to Dovetail. Ads are referred to as creatives in Dovetail - so that is how we'll refer to them from here on out.

There are two ways to upload creatives. Select the method that you prefer.


Via the Creatives Tab

Directly into a flight


To Upload Via the Creatives Tab

Step 1 - Navigate to the Creatives section via the options at the top of the screen in Dovetail Inventory.


Step 2 - Select the + New Creative button in the bottom right corner of the screen


Step 3 - Give your creative a name. Ideally, something that represents the contents of the ad at a glance.


Step 4 - Select the type of ad audio: either an MP3 that you'll upload locally or a VAST URL which pulls content from another ad server.

    • If MP3 - upload the audio file for the ad by selecting choose file


    • If VAST - select VAST and paste the URL into the dialogue box provided.


Step 5 - Select the appropriate Owner group account and Advertiser from their respective dropdown menus


Step 6 - Finally, click Create Creative to save your creative in the system!




Adding a New Creative Directly to a Flight

Step 1 - Within Dovetail Inventory, navigate to the flight you'd like to add a creative to or create one


Step 2 - Select + Add Zone to designate which ad zones (pre/mid/post) you'd like this creative to play


Step 3 - Click + Add Creative and then select Add New


Step 4 - Give the Creative a name, and select the file type


Step 5- Upload the audio file and then select Create Creative


    • If MP3 - upload the audio file for the ad by selecting choose file

    • If VAST - select VAST and paste the URL into the dialogue box provided.

Step 6 - Continue with the rest of the flight set-up

Now that you have added creatives to the system - you or your ad partners can track their progress by setting up a pingback URL


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