How do I upload a piece to the Exchange marketplace?

We're so happy you decided to post your story on PRX. Can't wait to hear it!

Prepare thyself AND thy audio!

Your audio should be in the following format:

  • MP2 file
    • If you need help converting a WAV file to an MP2, we recommend using Hindenburg's free PRX Encoder.
  • Sample rate: 44.1 kHz
  • Bit rate: 128 kbps per channel.
    • If you decide to create a mono MP2, it will be 128 kbps in total. But if you create a stereo (or joint stereo) MP2, the resulting file will be 256 kbps (128 kbps for each channel) in total. Stereo files are recommended

To get started, login to, head to My PRX and click Create New Piece.

Upload Audio

At the top of the page you will see a gray browser box. This is where you can upload your files using the "browse" button. You can upload multiple files at once.


To upload your MP2 file, click browse and search for your file on your computer. Click upload, and you will see files will appear down the page:


Once you update the file label your audio will begin to process. This can take a few minutes depending on the size of your file. If your audio is taking a while to process, feel free to move along and return to the page later to check on the audio status.


If you need to reorder any of your files, simply drag and drop them in the correct position. If you have a promo for your episode drag the file into the Promo box.

Fill out the Basic Info

While your audio processes, return to the top of the page and start filling out your basic information. The Basics tab and the Permissions tab are the most important steps of this process.


You may be creating a piece as a stand-alone episode, or it may be part of a series that you've created. If you'd like to add it to an existing series make sure to check the box.

To create a series, go to My PRX> Create New Series.


The "For Stations Only" section will only be seen by people logged in under station accounts. It is optional.


Make sure to click "Save and Continue" as you move between pages.

Timing/Cues and Content Advisory

Stations generally operate according to a broadcast clock, and it is helpful for them to know how your piece could fit into an hour of programming. Depending on the length of your piece you may have multiple segments to give stations time in between blocks to air local programming. You can indicate where your breaks occur in your program and whether or not there is room for a newshole in this section. 

We recommend that any piece over 30 minutes long include a short break for station programming.


Please also indicate if your program has any bleeped swears.

Transcripts are optional.


Most of the information on this page is superfluous, so we won't spend too much time here. The most essential parts are including an image for your piece and crediting any musical work you use. 


We will use a default image if you don't upload one. Pieces with customized images always look better.


Any musical works that you include should be reported here.


The permissions tab is where you determine how you want stations to license and use your programming.

First up, you'll be asked to allow embedding (or not). If you leave the box checked anyone would be able to put an embeddable player of your piece on their site.

Next, you will choose from four potential point values for your piece. The value of your piece is based on its length. If a station licenses your piece you will receive this money as royalties. 


How do you want your piece to be used? Below are our recommended settings, but you can change or add to these as you see fit. For example, some producers define how often a station can air their piece after licensing it.

A station will agree to these terms when they license your piece.


Finally, you will see a list of Outside Purchasers. These are non-public radio station entities that license from the Exchange. They each have their own licensing terms that you should review before opting-in; however, any of these Outside Purchasers can ask you to opt-in if they want to license your work, so ignoring this section will not be prohibitive to future licensing. 

 Preview and Share

You will be able to see a preview of your work before you publish. If all looks good, go ahead and click that publish button! You'll be given a link to an embeddable player that you can post on your own site. And you can share the URL for your piece with anyone– if they don't have a PRX account they will be brought to a special landing page just for listeners.  

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