Should I segment my program?

If you have a program that is longer than 30 minutes we recommend segmenting. Shorter programs can fit easily into a station broadcast clock without being segmented.

But let's say you have a 58 minute program you want to upload to PRX. You could upload the 58 minutes as one file and be done with it. Easy!

What an unsegmented episode looks like:


You could do this, but it would be wiser to segment your episode by breaking it up into smaller audio files. 

What a segmented episode looks like:


Why should you make this extra effort? Because stations rarely have the ability to air a full hour of programming uninterrupted. In each hour a station will need to air a short newscast, or drop their station ID and credit their underwriters. If you give them a 58-minute program that has been segmented, they can easily take each file and put it before/after the station programming in their schedule.

So, you know you should segment your show. But how should you do it? There is no correct way to segment, but we recommend viewing some broadcast clocks to see how your program could be segmented to fit. 

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